Check to the Left Side the INFO about each Epic Boss (Generic info, Advices, Where to find the Beacons, Table Loots and Epic Groups' Links)

Check to the Right Side the imagens to jump into the WMC Hunting and Training Grounds.

All about WMC Epic Bosses Groups

1. WMC General Rules.
2. Links to all the WMC Epic Rooms (Click on the picture to be redirectioned)
3. WMC Epic Room Categories
4. WMC Admin & Managing Staff
5. Clarification about the WMC Epic Rooms
1.- WMC General Rules:

_________________1. RESPECT:
____________________________1.1. Respect and agree all our Rules is a must.
____________________________1.2. Respect players.
____________________________1.3. Follow rules.
____________________________1.4. Don´t use WMC Epic Rooms as PVP arena.
____________________________1.5. Be communicative.

_________________2. TEAM WORK:
____________________________2.1. Keep a good ratio
____________________________2.2. Follow CAPs
____________________________2.3. Contribute in damage / energy.

_________________3. SAFETY:

____________________________3.1. Keep the WMC events exclusive into our Rooms.
                                                 3.2. Block all the ruiners included into our Block list. 
                                                            Click here to check the block List

_________________4. HOW TO JOIN THE WMC ROOMS:
____________________________Agreement with all our Rules is a must.
                                                        To join Expert Rooms, you will need match the
                                                        minimun ratio.

2.- Links to all WMC Epic Rooms 
(Artistic designs by Tommy Elwin Williams)

Click on the imagen to jump into each WMC Epic Group.
If you were not added yet into those red or purple coloured (Expert and Stepped rooms) you will need to contact a WMC Admin (listed in chapter 3) and request it providing an screenshow with your ratio.

 3.- WMC Epic Rooms' Categories:  

WMC Training:
The Training rooms are the place where to learn about build a decent setup for complex Epics. Behind all the Training tagged WMC rooms are always an Expert WMC room.

To join expert or stepped you need to have a good enough ratio (Total health Epic Boss Team divided by Total Health)

To apply to join WMC Expert/ Stepped, contact any manager of WMC and provides a full Screenshow showing the Epic boss you're doing and the damage you've done, so we can check your ratio. If you detect an Admin on the same Epic Boss in which you're, contact the to add you automatically if your ratio is good enough.

WMC Hunting:
Those are the main WMC Rooms for Easy Epic Bosses not requiring complex strategies and usually that can't be ruined by damage to the team. There is not any WMC Expert beyond this type of rooms, because those are not needed.

WMC Stepped:
Groups Epic Bosses deliberately slow and Capped. That way everyone has a chance to make their the same tiers. In these events, not only to respect the ratio and the CAP, but that all must do the same damage, contributing equally to make a successful event. Only Mortifex and Jotun have a WMC Stepped group.

WMC Expert (Superior Forces):
Main WMC Rooms for the hardest Epic Bosses. Those requiring a strategy and a particular setup. Normally, almost all Epic Bosses with Team health are included in this area.

4.- WMC Epic Rooms Admin & Managing Staff

                          GENERAL MANAGING:
-----------------------------------------------------Germán Jaramillo (Blackblade)
                         GROUPS  REPRESENTATIVES:
-------------------------A.L.A.:------------------Henry E. Hartman
-------------------------BRAVO:----------------Valerie Stein
-----------------------------------------------------Thomas Bernhardsen
-------------------------ELITE:------------------Sebastian Wrobel
-------------------------K.A.C.:------------------Frank García
-------------------------MISFITS:---------------Lilian Flesher
----------------------------------------------------- Jac Scott
-------------------------SOFA:-------------------Greg Gerace
-------------------------THEF:-------------------Conrad K. Simon
-------------------------VALKYRIE:-----------Andrew Folgle
-------------------------WMR:-------------------Shakil Khan
-----------------------------------------------------Jennifer Brown
-----------------------------------------------------Minco James 
-----------------------------------------------------Nozilan Osman
-----------------------------------------------------Victor Vieira
-----------------------------------------------------Wayne Kercher
                         ARTIST DESIGN & MANAGING SUPPORT:
-----------------------------------------------------Tommy Elwin Williams
                         SPECIFIC MANAGING:
-----------------------------------------------------Alfred Liu
-----------------------------------------------------Alexander Vaz
-----------------------------------------------------Andrea Loiacono             
-----------------------------------------------------Don Pascual
-----------------------------------------------------Frank Naabye
-----------------------------------------------------Graeme Buckland
-----------------------------------------------------Himmel CmGr
-----------------------------------------------------Jordi Gelpi Aguirre
-----------------------------------------------------Minco James
-----------------------------------------------------Niko Bellic
-----------------------------------------------------Sean That. Gaines


5.- Clarification
(Some about WMC Epic Rooms Story)

The Epic WMC Rooms began from Blackblade's suggestion of unifying all groups (increasingly numerous) that flourished with each new Epic Boss release, turning the WMC rooms into Unique Rooms belonging to the Entire War Metal Community.
The goal, in addition to simplifying and gather multiple groups in a few more solid and effective (which also allowed us to avoid having to be visiting a whole host of facebook groups) was to unify the rules and make the events become more secure and successful.

Lilian Fletcher made ​​available to this idea the Misfits Epic Groups, because they were already open to all fair players.

So Blackblade renamed and  handled those that could be modified, and made new groups for those that could not be changed by having too many members. GJ adapted the names into three taggs "training", "hunting" and "superior forces" (Read bellow about the WMC Epic Rooms Categories")

Some other groups, such as Bravo, merged its lower and medium Epic Groups into WMC... As has been some other groups following the project of unification and simplification.
Anyway it is a slow run and every time a new Epic Boss comes, we get a boom of new Epic Rooms... Anyway the WMC Epic Rooms stand steary, growing in strengh and consolidating the quality of each WMC Room.

It was decided that each group had significant representation in WMC, appointing an administrator for each.

Blackblade has been creating new WMC Groups as recent Epic Epic Bosses have been being released (Black Lithid, Arachis, Jotun ...) Also added to the taggs to identify each Room class, he added a chromatic system to identify the Rooms (Training=GreenHunting=OrangeStepped=RedExpert=Purple and the Epic pictures into the WMC Groups... Then once other Groups started to do it aswell, he made the first WMC logo (the WMC letters into a Phoenix Burning and Winged Shape); then Tommy Elwin Williams made customized Banners for some of the latest WMC Groups (that can be admired into the Mortifex, Hydra, Lithid and Jotun Rooms)